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“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” – Albert Einstein

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

“Do what is right, not what is easy nor what is popular.” – Roy T. Bennet

My Books

The Days That Followed is now available on Amazon. Get your copy here or message me directly for a signed copy.

Update: The sequel to The Days That Followed is available now!

Blog Posts:

The Days of Reckoning: Three Days Until Release

The day is almost here! The print book is available NOW. The ebook is available for presale now and will be released on December 31, 2023. Thank you, everyone, for your continued support. As a reminder, a great way to support indie authors like me is to leave a review, follow them on Facebook, and/or…

Why a Cyberattack on the Power Grid is more likely than an EMP Attack

The U.S. power grid is extremely vulnerable and would not take much for a cyberattack to bring it down for months to years at a time. In fact, there are only nine critical substations that need to be targeted to wipe out power for the entire country according to a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)…

Why I Wrote a Book About an EMP Attack

EMP stands for Electromagnetic Pulse. It is basically a surge of energy that is generally harmful to electronics. It can occur naturally or be created by man. In my book, I’m talking about the kind of EMP that is designed to cause maximum damage. The kind deployed as a weapon. This occurs when a nuclear…

Truth is often stranger than fiction.



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